E.M. Immigration 

Immigration matters solved efficiently. 


E.M. Immigration Ltd provides immigration advice and services to members of the public to facilitate them having the right to enter and / or remain in the UK for reasons permitted by immigration law. We are authorised and regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner to provide immigration advice and services. 

The main goal of E.M. Immigration Ltd is to provide accurate advice and thorough service to clients to enable them to have the best chance of succeeding in an immigration matter. E.M. Immigration Ltd makes sure to remain aware of challenges within a dynamic immigration environment. 


E.M. Immigration Ltd has the following objectives:

  • To provide simple to understand, straightforward and concise advice.
  • To offer services that exceed clients' expectations.
  • To develop a consistent client base through the above.

To make sure we achieve our aims, we take the following steps:

1. Abide by regulations of conduct of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. 

2. Provide accurate advice and thorough assistance.

3. Refer clients to alternative providers where necessary and appropriate.



Working Principle & Core Values

We operate on the principle of LAE, or Listen, Acknowledge, Explain. This means that when approached with an enquiry, we listen to understand, but also, listen to ask, to ensure that we have obtained all the relevant information from a client. We acknowledge and double-check this information with the client to be able to provide all the advice and information they need as to their options. This enables a client to make an informed decision and us - to provide accurate advice and quality service. 

E.M. Immigration Ltd shares the following values:

  • Understanding
  • Adaptability
  • Innovation


From the onset of handling a client matter, we make sure that clients are fully aware of our duties as a service provider, but also mindful of their own entitlements and obligations. This helps us to achieve the best possible outcomes. 


We believe that adaptability is key to facing and appropriately dealing with challenges that might arise within an often fickle immigration landscape. This is why E.M. Immigration Ltd finds that the ability to remain open and flexible to new problems and possible solutions is key to maintaining quality service. 


Where necessary and suitable, E.M. Immigration Ltd will employ new methods of working in its day to day operations. E.M. Immigration Ltd believes in exploring different options to increase efficiency in dealing with client matters. One example of this is increasingly using electronic tools in its operations. 


E.M. Immigration Ltd, registered in England and Wales, No. 11586126.  Regulated by the OISC. Ref No. F201900108.
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