The individual with overall responsibility of providing immigration advice and services within E.M. Immigration Ltd is Evgeniya Kirilova Miloshova. Evgeniya is the director and sole owner of E.M. Immigration Ltd and is responsible for the running of all operations of the company.

Evgeniya is an immigration adviser authorised to practice immigration law and regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. She previously acquired several years of experience as an accredited immigration and asylum adviser at a Leeds law firm, having received training by a team of well-known and reputable Immigration law specialists within Yorkshire and beyond. She has dealt with, inter alia, multiple entry clearance, leave to enter and remain, asylum, citizenship, settlement and EEA applications, for clients within and outside the UK.

Evgeniya has obtained accreditation under the Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme, Level 3 Certificate in Law and Practice by the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.

Evgeniya Miloshova

E.M. Immigration Ltd, registered in England and Wales, No. 11586126.  Regulated by the OISC. Ref No. F201900108.
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