Privacy Policy & Equality

Privacy Policy 

We are registered with the Information Commissioner Office, the regulatory body responsible for overseeing the compliance of organisations with data protection law. We value our obligations for processing your personal data in accordance with the law and fairly, and confirm that your information will not be used in a manner or purpose other than to assist you with your immigration matter. All communication with us is private and confidential and it will not be disclosed to a third party without your permission, including your case file being stored securely. At the start of the process with us, we ask that you sign a "Form of Authority" that confirms you agree for us to represent you before the Home Office and other relevant parties when required, which would entail the disclosing of your personal information. Where your consent is required for your personal data to be disclosed to a third party, that we have not already discussed or obtained, we shall seek this from you.

Equality & Diversity

We are committed to the principles of equality and diversity and observing legislative requirements. As such, we shall not discriminate unlawfully, victimise or harass anyone in the course of our professional dealings. This means that we will not treat anyone less favourably than others on the basis of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and/or sexual orientation. This also means that we will not put anyone who we deal with at a particular disadvantage when compared to others, because of the above characteristics. We will not engage in conduct which is unwanted and violates someone's dignity or creates a hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. We are committed to treating everyone fairly, without prejudice or bias, and endeavour to provide  services with the same attention, courtesy and respect to everyone.

E.M. Immigration Ltd, registered in England and Wales, No. 11586126.  Regulated by the OISC. Ref No. F201900108.
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